nexus breath

connecting mind to body & soul

who is JR

& what is NEXUS?

nexus • \NEK-sus\ • noun.

1 : connection, link; 2 : a connected group or series 3 : center, focus.

welcome to nexus breath! my name is JR and i deeply believe that breath work is one of if not the most important practices we can incorporate into our daily lives. i know, i know. seems a bit over-the-top... the truth is i spent so much of my early life not feeling connected to myself or the world around me. then i discovered breathwork and the impact it can make and connection it can create. my passion is help people self-regulate and use their breath to reduce stress, find deep relaxation & inspiration and most importantly gain some insight into what’s happening in their physical, emotional and energetic bodies. NEXUS. connecting: our physical bodies to our emotional and energetic bodies; to our breath and most importantly to ourselves. i invite you to come discover the magic of breathwork for yourself.

why breathwork?

i truly believe that breath is medicine. as a society we are consumed with overstimulation. our calendars, to-do lists and devices have put us in a dysregulated state of overwhelm and stress. we often lose touch with ourselves. we can use conscious-circular breathing patterns to improve sleep, digestion, mood and emotional regulation. we can shift from a stuck “fight or flight” state into “rest and digest” in just one session. it can boost the circulatory and immune systems. we can harness the power of the breath to connect to parts of our physical and energetic bodies. we allow ourselves to gently explore the places our conscious mind does not always allow us to access, often giving us clarity. breathers often experience a range of emotions, many tapping into a euphoric state (either during and/or after a session) and some giving themselves permission to feel feelings of grief or sadness they may have not allowed themselves to fully feel. as one of my teacherslikes to say ‘we have to feel it before we can heal it.’ most people experience a sense of increased self-awareness and self-compassion... all through the breath!

experiences so far...

“My breathwork session with JR was outstanding. I ​felt an incredible amount of trust and comfort in his ​presence which allowed me to open up and let go. I ​released built up stress that I didn’t even know I was ​carrying. I’d highly recommend his sessions.”


Ismael V.

“My breath journey with JR was awesome. His calm and peaceful demeanor allowed me to open up and trust. His wisdom and knowledge around breath and technique makes it easy for all levels. JR has the unique ability to hold space through voice while breathing, making vocal exploration inviting, safe and impactful. If you are nervous, new to breath or looking to process some big or heavy stuff, JR is your guy!”


Carlene K.

“My breathwork session with JR was truly a transformative experience. I have personally done various styles of breathwork but none compared to the deeply powerful experience that transpired during our individual session. JR does an amazing job at creating a safe space to dive deep. I was truly blown away. It exceeded my expectations. I recommend practicing with JR no matter where you are in your journey I am beyond grateful and definitely will be returning as much as possible."


Nolan K.

the process

I. Relax and Let Go

After a short intro and breath tutorial participants are invited to make themselves comfortable and settle onto their backs. We begin letting go of the day with a short guided meditation and breath warmups to prepare for full active breath immersion.

II. Active breath exercises

Most of our session will be spent in a circular, double inhale/single exhale breathe. The thinking brain begins to quiet and the body enters an altered sense of consciousness - often dropping into our emotional and energetic bodies.

III. Journey & Integrate

Once the active breathing is done you are invited to journey. The body revels in a meditative state before returning to the physical body. The integration process continues with some aromatherapy and sound/energy work.


JR Ramirez


Palm Desert, CA 92260

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